What is our mission at
S.F. Commerce?

I’m Federico Solazzo.
After years of experience in the trade sector I finally decided to open my own business consulting firm. My skills range from consulting on various products and services to using my dense network of contacts to establish new connections between business owners and suppliers.

Federico Solazzo Image Profiledecorative points

What I can do for you

I can contribute to your business in various ways.
Through my experience and my network of contacts I can help you to:


I’m here to do business with you!

My journey in the world of business consulting and Italian entrepreneurship began at the end of my five years in the Dominican Republic, where I acquired a wide range of managerial and business skills.
After returning to Italy in 2019 I continued to expand my network of contacts, building lasting relationships with various brands in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and large-scale distribution sectors, as well as many others. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to the support of friends and colleagues, I immediately seized the opportunity to get into the PPE market, serving as a supplier to some of the biggest companies and hospitals in Italy and even exporting overseas (Spain, Germany, U.K, Turkey, China, the United States, Holland, and Gibraltar), whilst also reaching out into other sectors.
In November 2020 I officially decided to dedicate myself entirely to business consulting with S.F. Commerce, albeit continuing in my journey as an entrepreneur.

Federico Solazzo Profile Image
Federico Solazzo
Business Consultant

Do you want to know more? Contact Me

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+39 392 609 0854
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